Filter for Archival

An arbitrary character pattern is indicated by the character *.
Each of the parts can be exists of only a * and respectively start or end with a *.

Archive Archive resources or only display
YesArchive and display: If the URL includes the character pattern of the filter.
NoOnly display: If the URL includes the character pattern of the filter.
---Disable: Filter isn't use.
If Archive and display and Only display to a resource, the file is then only shown and not archived.
DomainFor Sub, Second and Top Level has to be indicated by a character pattern
www.proxy*.*Sub Level is: www
Second Level starts with: proxy
Top Level is: arbitrary
PathThe path has to be indicated by a character pattern
/archiv/Path only consists of the directory: archiv
/*/archiv/Last directory of the path is: archiv
/archiv/*/First directory of the path is: archiv
/*archiv/Last directory of the path ends with the string: archiv
/archiv*/First directory of the path starts with the string: archiv
FileFor name and type of a file have to be indicated by a character pattern
*.htm*Name is: arbitrary
Typ starts with: htm

Used in: Surf Set/Filter for Archival

Yes**/ *.*

At this example only the resources are archived from the domain, however not the resources from the directory private and its subdirectories.

Filter for Advertising

An arbitrary character pattern is indicated by the character *.
Each of the parts can be exists of only a * and respectively start or end with a *.

DomainFor Sub, Second and Top Level has to be indicated by a character pattern
www.*offline*.*Sub Level is: www
Second Level contains: offline
Top Level is: arbitrary
PathThe path has to be indicated by a character pattern
/webpage/Path only consists of the directory: webpage
/*/webpage/Last directory of the path is: webpage
/webpage/*/First directory of the path is: webpage
/*webpage/Last directory of the path ends with the string: webpage
/webpage*/First directory of the path starts with the string: webpage
FileFor name and type of a file have to be indicated by a character pattern
*.php*Name is: arbitrary
Typ starts with: php

Used in: Surf Set/Filter for Advertising

adserver.*.*/*/ *.*

At this example no resources are downloaded from the subdomain adserver or from the directory ads.

Default Filter

A default filter is delivered. This filters e.g. every resource URL, which includes a directory ads.
After the above configuration of the filter you can test this with the URL
You get then following HTML page:

Test the filtering "ads"

Generally you don't receive this detailed display. But the areas to be filtered in a HTML page are indicated as not available. The presentation is dependent on your browser and that configuration.

Filter for Session

An arbitrary character pattern is indicated by the character *.
Each of the parts can be exists of only a * and respectively start or end with a *.

DomainFor Sub, Second and Top Level has to be indicated by a character pattern
www.*browser.*Sub Level is: www
Second Level ends with: browser
Top Level is: arbitrary
PathThe path has to be indicated by a character pattern
/download/Path only consists of the directory: download
/*/download/Last directory of the path is: download
/download/*/First directory of the path is: download
/*download/Last directory of the path ends with the string: download
/download*/First directory of the path starts with the string: download
FileFor name and type of a file have to be indicated by a character pattern
*.htm*Name is: arbitrary
Typ starts with: htm
ModeThe mode defines, in which part of the URL is the information about the session of the resource.
Details on the required Session-ID are dependent on it.

The session consists of a key value pair. This pair can be in different locations of the URL. The mode has to be indicated into dependence of it. The value of the session usually corresponds to a striking string. You find the value and the key standing in front of this easily with that. The character pattern is the key.

You can find out the mode with the page 404 File Not Found. This is displayed in the mode offline.

The locations in which the session can be are described in the following.

Mode: Query

The session is contained in a query pair. Query pairs are in the URL behind a question mark.

DomainPathFileQuery (key value pairs)

The example contains two key value pairs. The key random and its value ABC indicate the session.

Key and value as well as different pairs are marked by separators. In the example:
= separates the key and its accompanying value
& separates the different pairs

Session-ID Result from it: &random=
Mode: Post

The session is contained in a post pair. Post pairs aren't displayed in the address bar of the browser.

DomainPathFilePost (key value pairs)

The example contains two key value pairs. The key session and its value 123 indicate the session.

Key and value as well as different pairs are marked by separators.
In the example:
= separates the key and its accompanying value
& separates the different pairs

Session-IDResult from it: &session=
Mode: Query/PostThe session is contained in a query or post pair.
Session-IDThe address corresponds to the previous description at the mode query or post.
Mode: File

The session is contained in a file.


The example contains two key value pairs. The key jsessionid and its value xyz indicate the session.

Key and value as well as different pairs are marked by separators. In the example:
= separates the key and its accompanying value
; separates the different pairs

Session-ID Result from it: ;jsessionid=
If all sessions which contain the key session shall be recognized, then has to be indicated for the Session-ID: ;*session*=
Mode: Folder

The session is contained in a directory. The directory consists of the key and its value.


The example contains two directories. The key session and its value 12345678 indicate the session.

Session-ID Result from it: session
The name of the directory in the cache archive is then reduced to the key.
Mode: Two Folders

The session is contained in a directory and its subdirectory. The directory consists of the key and the subdirectory of the value.


The example contains three directories. The key session and its value 12345678 indicate the session.

Session-ID Result from it: session
The subdirectory which represents the value gets the name x in the cache archive.
Mode: Sub domain

The session is contained in a sub-domain. The sub-domain consists of the key and the value.


The example is in the sub-domain, the key www and the value 1 indicate the session.


Result from it: www
The name of the sub-domain in the cache archive is then reduced to the key.

The filters can be also used if a web site on several servers is distributed.

Used in: Surf Set/Filter for Session

An arbitrary character pattern is indicated by the character *.
Each of the parts can be exists of only a * and respectively start or end with a *.

Follow Following or excluding link
YesFollow: If the link includes the character pattern of the filter.
NoExclude: If the link includes the character pattern of the filter.
---Disable: Filter isn't use.
If Follow and Exclude meet a link, then the link will be excluded and the page won't be downloaded.
DomainFor Sub, Second and Top Level has to be indicated by a character pattern
www.*offline*.*Sub Level is: www
Second Level contains: offline
Top Level is: arbitrary
PathThe path has to be indicated by a character pattern
/mirror/Path only consists of the directory: mirror
/*/mirror/Last directory of the path is: mirror
/mirror/*/First directory of the path is: mirror
/*mirror/Last directory of the path ends with the string: mirror
/mirror*/First directory of the path starts with the string: mirror
File NameThe name of a file (without type) have to be indicated by a character pattern
index*The name of the file starts with the string: index
TypSeveral file or MIME types have to be separated by blanks.
htm*File Typ starts with: htm
text/htmlMIME Typ is: text/html
The MIME type consists of two character patterns which are separated by a /.
Further MIME typs:
QueryQuery pairs are in the URL behind a question mark.
id=*The Query-Key id must exist in the Url, the Query-Value is any.
id=*&forum=1If more query pairs must be available, so append these with the sign &.

Used in: Update and Mirror for following Links.

Yes**/ **
No**/ *pdf application/pdf

Only pages are updated from the domain, however no pdf documents and pages from the directory /private/ and its subdirectories.

An arbitrary character pattern is indicated by the character *.
Each of the parts can be exists of only a * and respectively start or end with a *.

Accept Cookie accept or block
YesAccept: If the URL includes the character pattern of the filter.
NoBlock: If the URL includes the character pattern of the filter.
---Disable: Filter isn't use.
If Accept and Bock meet a cookie, then the cookie will be blocked.
DomainFor Sub, Second and Top Level has to be indicated by a character pattern
www.*browser.*Sub Level is: www
Second Level contains: browser
Top Level is: arbitrary
PathThe path has to be indicated by a character pattern
/website/Path only consists of the directory: website
/*/website/Last directory of the path is: website
/website/*/First directory of the path is: website
/*website/Last directory of the path ends with the string: website
/website*/First directory of the path starts with the string: website

Used in: Update and Mirror for Cookie.


All Cookies are blocked.


MM3 WebAssistant - Proxy Offline Browser