Requirement for use the WebAssistant is a Java Virtual Machine of the version 8 or higher. Please install a machine if this isn't available on your system.

Download of Java Virtual Machine from Oracle (SUN Microsystems)
You need administration rights to the use of all functions by installation of Java.
Java is not correct installed
If the java machine isn't installed correctly, you can use the following script files in the folder: MM3-WebAssistantProfessional/script/
Script | Operating System |
MM3-WebAssistant.bat | Windows of Microsoft | | Linux und UNIX |
MM3-WebAssistant.command | Mac OS X of Apple, version 10.2.3 and higher |
Doesn't start WebAssistant with this files, the environment variable is not defined correctly in BAT or in script file. After starting with a script file successfully you can change the faulty file type assignment in the system. Now you can start the program with the file MM3-WebAssistant.jar directly.
We are glad to help you with your installation. Please, inform us, if there are any problems!