We are pleased about the translation into your language.

The following texts are used:
appDescriptionSwitch between a direct internet connection and several proxy settings
noSelectNo proxy is selected
unknownProxyProxy $1 does not exist
settingTitleProxy Configuration
ipIP-Address: $1
ipCount44 numbers
portPort number: $1
prefixSizePrefix size: $1
notSpecifiedNot specified
less0Not less than 0
largerXNot larger than $1
noNumberNo number
valueMissingValue is missing
trueFalsePossible data: 'true' or 'false'
yesNoPossible data: 'yes' or 'no'
clearErrorPossible data: 'cache'
syntaxCheck syntax
nameMultipleName already exists
keywordMultipleKeyword already exists
onlyProxyScriptOnly protocols or a script per configuration
withProxyScriptSocksNo protocol, a script or a socks allowed
unsupportedNot implemented in this version
keywordUnknownKeyword is not defined
noProxyConfigurationNo proxy configuration contain
symbolErrorPossible data: 'color', 'colorActive' or 'shape'
colorNameUnknownUnknown name of the color
colorHexErrorBad hex number for a color
shapeErrorPossible data: 'shape' or 'shape:square'
errorSyntax error in the configuration
  • Before you use the ProxySwitch, please select No proxy in the Connection Settings of your Firefox browser.
    See: Options / General / Network Proxy / Settings..
  • Used a version before 2017
    • You can find this configuration with:
    • In this version the following commands are not yet implemented:
      import, modifiers, keycode, config:, style:

Furthermore the translation of the html page is needed:

Please, send your translation to: WebAssistant@MM3Tools.com

Many thanks!

Other Languages

MM3 ProxySwitch - Firefox, Chrome, Edge Extension (Add-ons)